Daily posts geared to guide you towards the success you deserve.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Good to Great at a much quicker rate

The transition period from good to great is often a steep one. It is the decision to go all out instead of only halfway. What can this mean in your life? It can mean going from a C student to an A student. It can mean going from manager to CEO. It could mean going from volunteer to charity event coordinator.

The decision is simple: do your best and then figure out how to do it even better the next time. Great is not a destination but rather a continuous process. Are you the future of your company? The next CEO? Maybe you are the next world’s greatest mom or dad?

What will you accomplish when you make the leap?

Expanding your brand

When we think about big name brands like Walmart or Target, what does the word brand mean to us? For some people the word brand only applies to large companies. Don’t fool yourself, you are your own personal brand. That’s right, everywhere you go, everything you do, people think of your name and associate it with the actions you perform. Use this to your advantage and make your name a trusted one.

When a promotion is given, it means that the person receiving it has been an important part in the company’s success. Promotions are for reliable and hardworking people who mean something to the company in which they work. It is important to remember how much your brand is worth and continue to grow yourself through your company. If your boss thinks of your name when he needs someone reliable, it means your name has been tied to the ability to be reliable and you have in essence created a reliable “brand name” for you as a person.

Build your brand, expand, and enjoy knowing you matter because you are you.

Friday, April 22, 2016

How to keep track of your spending?

Creating a budget for yourself can be one of easiest things to start saving money. Even if you have plenty to spend, it is important to know where all your money is going. Say you go out to eat once a month and spend $20 for the meal. At the end of the year, you have spent $240 and maybe you didn’t even realize it.

Keep track of your costs for a week and estimate what you might spend in a month or even a year. The results may surprise you and this knowledge will at the very least make you better aware of your spending habits and what your able to afford.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

How to make the right decision?

Making a decision no matter how big or small can be frustrating sometimes. You might have to choose between who to spend your time with, where you want to live, or simply where you want to eat. Regardless the choice you have to make, think through all the outcomes that might take place.

Sometimes for bigger decisions, it is best to write the outcomes out on paper to be sure you haven't overlooked any details. Plan ahead so you have time to think about your decision if possible as this will allow you to appropriately think about each choice. Even if you end up making a wrong decision, learn from it because you may be faced with the same decision again.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

What to do when things get busy?

Challenges of time management will not present themselves when you have nothing going on. They will appear when your week is hectic and you feel you have no time. Keep calm and plan on! Truly successful people are not hindered by their busy schedules but instead embrace it knowing how much they will accomplish.

Don’t panic, life doesn’t throw any challenges that you can’t overcome. Stick it out and know that you are doing great works and it is recognized by someone. If you are busy, chances are you are working wonders in the world.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

How to network?

Networking is a 24/7 commitment since there is no way of knowing when someone you meet might open a door in your future. It is important to treat everyone you meet as a potential resource in which you can provide aid to or accept it.

Lend a helping hand, not because you expect something back but because that is who you are. Become someone who others look to when they are unsure of what to do because someday you might be looking for the same thing.

Above all, cherish new friendships because for all you know, they may just be your next business partner.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

How to fix your messy handwriting?

Let’s face it, many of us have messy handwriting and in a world of ever growing technology, we are using paper less and less. Although most papers today are typed, having neat handwriting can say a lot about you in the professional world.

Having neat handwriting is a sign of being well educated. Whether you sign a contract for a loan or sign your name to a job, it is imperative for the person who reads your signature to distinguish who you are.

If you have messy handwriting, set a goal to improve it. There are many resources online as well as templates you can print and trace to improve both legibility and speed in your writing.

People's impressions of you are based off of many factors and by striving to improve on any weakness you find (be it big or little), you better prepare yourself for the future.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

How to keep balanced?

Challenges present themselves in many forms and for all you hard workers out there, you know how great it feels to overcome these hurdles. Take time to appreciate your success. Sometimes when you are go-go-go, you forget to simply stop and appreciate life.

While it is good to always have a goal to be striving for, it is important to remember to take a break and celebrate for all the hard work you have accomplished. Go fishing, play guitar, enjoy a hobby of yours and take a little time out of your schedule to just relax.

Strive to be the best you can be, but to work without break is to forget what life is all about. You’re doing great things out there. Keep working towards your goals and go celebrate.

Monday, April 11, 2016

How to fix a mistake?

Sooner or later you are bound to make a mistake. Sometimes they are little, sometimes they are huge, and sometimes they are just really embarrassing. Your huge mess up to you might be no big deal to someone else.

Regardless of how big or small your mistake was, accept you messed up and focus instead on how to move forward. Your ability to own up to them can really say a lot about your character and who you are as a person.

Do your best to learn from the experience. The only real mistake you could ever make is to not learn and grow from your mess-ups. A mistake is simply a less preferable way of learning an important life lesson so do your best to take advantage of the opportunity and try your best not to repeat it.

Each day, we either move forward or we move backwards. To remain unchanged is to take a step in the wrong direction. Plain and simple: own what you do, and others will respect you.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

How to select the right job?

Selecting the right career can be daunting. Whether you are moving from one job to the next or stepping into your first real job, there are many things to consider in order to pick a job that fits you.

The first is to figure out how important money is to you. Obviously people work to make money but is it worth giving up being happy in order to make a few extra bucks? Some jobs pay a lot but have long hours in which you may hate your life.

Other jobs don’t pay as much but allow you to follow a passion. If you play your cards right, you can find a mix between these two. By having a good work ethic, taking risks, and dealing with setbacks, you can be financially successful in just about any job.

The trick to ensuring financial success is putting in your best effort and accepting nothing less than your goal. If you are determined to make a certain wage a year or specific net worth by a set date, don’t let anything in your path stop you. 

You may need to think outside the box but given time and perseverance, you can achieve anything through strong will and good work.

Friday, April 8, 2016

How to stand out in the workplace?

Dedication to your work is key in advancing up the industrial ladder. Whether you love your job or hate it, putting in your best work is something few employees do and will be a great asset when looking to be promoted.

Employers fire and hire new people every day and when they find someone who has a great work ethic, they will hold onto you like a vice.
Every time you complete a task, imagine signing your name on it. Would you be proud of others seeing your signature with the effort attached to the job?

If you are ashamed of the work you did and know you didn’t give it your all, think about redoing the job. It’s either your best work or its not and if the job falls in the second category, your employer will see it and take note.

Working at your full potential takes practice, especially if your used to half-heartedly completing things. However, when you start to truly put an effort into your work, you will find a sense a true accomplishment and pride in the work you do. For those of you who already do the above, you know this feeling I am talking about.

The key to success in a large business is the ability to depend on your employees and through your hard work and dedication, you make it possible for your company to truly succeed.

Take pride in your work and be proud of what you do. You might be the only one who knows the quality of work you do at first, but given time, somewhere down the road, it will pay off.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

What does it mean to take risks?

When we hear the word risk, we often associate it with large investments or large possibility of risk. We also often hear that successful people take risks but do we ever really think about what this means? Risks can be putting yourself in a situation you might not be used to or could be taking that first step towards starting your own business.

The thing to remember about taking risks is they are just this. Way the risks to the potential gain and if you find the gain out ways the risk, take a chance. Taking risks is not about being reckless but rather taking advantage of the best opportunities available to us.

Many people go to college with the idea that the risk of financial loss to pay for college is less than the doors it will open up in the business world with a degree. On the other side, there are people who don’t even go to college and start their own company only to make millions.

This is not to say you should drop out of college if that’s where you are but rather to remind you that opportunities exist outside of your current thought process and if you find yourself presented with an amazing opportunity, you should take advantage of it and take a risk.

At the end of the road, it’s not about having done everything but rather having at least given it fair thought.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

How to deal with set backs?

Set backs are a part of life and if you learn to expect them, you can also learn to be prepared. Sometimes they are financial, sometimes they are emotional, sometimes they are just a bad combination of both. Either way, learn from past experiences and try to plan time into your week to account for the unexpected.

Take one hour and set it aside. Plan to be absolutely free of obligations during this time so that if you need it, its available. By allowing for this extra time, you will cover any shortcomings and should there be none, you can begin to get ahead on the next week’s tasks.

When life tries to push you behind on your to-do list, remind yourself that you are in charge of your life. Remain calm, plan, and at the end of the month reflect on your progress. See if the time you set aside was enough? We cannot always avoid the unexpected but when you prepare for it, it will at least be less stressful.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

How to appreciate others?

Sometimes, it takes multiple tries to get where you want. You may notice that someone else seems to get everything done in one try. Your witnessing of their success upon first try might actually be success at their 100th try and you simply missed the other 99. 

Life never ends up being as it seems and everyone goes through hardships, visible or not. Make the best of this knowledge by treating people with kindness even if they don’t return the favor.

Later down the road, someone will notice you putting in the effort. It’s not that your making this effort to be noticed, but when the time is right, someone else will appreciate it.

Monday, April 4, 2016

How to create a quality resume?

A good resume can make a world of difference when applying for a job. Usually, this is the first opportunity an employer has to understand you and writing a quality piece means many revisions. 

Before creating a resume, start with creating a list of accomplishments with dates. Think about what experience you learned from each and order them by how relatable they are to the job. 

Although it is good to have a well-balanced resume, writing a novel for your application should be avoided. Keep it short, your potential employer has to read potentially thousands of these and they will not take the time to read all of it, especially if it is lengthy.

If you have access to one, visit a career center. They often have free services depending on where you live and can be a great starting place for anyone who is unsure of how to start. 

To state the obvious, the internet is also a great place to learn about building resumes but I give forewarning. Some sites recommend creating a distinctly unique resume and while you do want yours to stand out, your interviewer may not view your creativity in the same manner as you.

Keep it professional and above all else, if you don’t get the job the first time APPLY AGAIN

Sunday, April 3, 2016

How to stay on track?

Create a schedule and plan out your week. As tedious as this may seem, schedules will rid your worries off forgetting important dates, events, or tasks. 

Successful people plan all their time and they do so for good reason. Through constant planning, you can make the best use of your time and you can begin to get ahead on your to do list instead of risking setbacks.

Friday, April 1, 2016

How to start a business?

Starting a business is as easy deciding you want to own one. People will talk it up to be an impossible task and although it is no small feat to accomplish, it can be done by anyone determined enough.  Let no obstacle be a barrier to your dreams. 

If you can believe in yourself enough, you can become whomever you want to be and own whatever it is you want. Your biggest obstacle in life will always be yourself. Remove all doubt in yourself and your potential becomes limitless.

Thursday, March 31, 2016

How to find happiness?

Many people think that money is the key to happiness. While it certainly helps one find time for hobbies, simply having money will not equate to happiness. 

True happiness is found in the pleasures of life. Seeing smiles on happy faces, lending a hand to someone in need, going on a hike alone or with a significant other. 

Everyone's idea of happiness is a little different but what happiness is not is putting others down. Take the time to make someone else's day and it just might make yours. 

Find a new hobby or maybe talk to someone new. Life is full of surprises and the thing you may think you wouldn't like may just become your inspiration in life.

Instead of seeking out happiness, let happiness find you.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

How to make a good impression?

Making a good impression on people is key to success in life. Be it networking, making friends, or getting a discount at your local supermarket, how you present yourself can have a big impact on the outcomes you expect.

When you meet someone, shake their hand and make eye contact. Keep your head held high, your back straight and your feet shoulder width apart. Try to avoid making yourself seem smaller in the presence of others as this could indicate a lack of confidence.

Like anything, all of this takes practice and self-awareness. Think about the last time you met someone. How did you act? What do you wish happened differently? Every new acquaintance is a new opportunity to practice and grow as a person.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

How should I manage my time?

One of the biggest mistakes made in the business world today has to do with punctuality. If you make a commitment to be somewhere, make sure you are there. There are so many opportunities lost by giving a bad impression and by making it a point to be early to commitments, you show people that you value their time.

Plan for traffic, plan for floods, plan for the end of the Earth. Let there be no excuse which keeps you from being on time.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

How to prepare for Interviews?

Within the first 5 seconds of an interview, the person interviewing you has already decided whether you have the job or not. The rest of the interview is about keeping that job or making them change their mind to give you the job. A firm handshake while maintaining good eye contact is the first step in ensuring a good impression. As you shake their hand, give them a warm smile. Be sure your hands are clean and not overly sweaty. No one likes a greasy handshake.

Dress the part for the job you want. If you are applying to work at Dairy Queen do not show up in a tux. A well maintained suit will do nicely for most jobs but those that pay higher might require more specific dress attire. Do a little research on dress attire and ask around so you are prepared.

Remember, getting a job is like being a car salesman except instead of selling a car, your selling yourself. Talk yourself up, keep it positive, and know that no matter how intimidating your interviewer may be, they too were once standing where you are. Relax and show them they would be foolish not to hire you.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

What to do while waiting for a reply?

Sometimes, waiting is the only option. What you do while you wait however, separates the good from the great. 

Set goals and expectations for everything you do. Should you decide the goal cannot be met, set a more reasonable new goal. Don`t ever give up on your dreams.

How to become great?

To become great in the future means being great today. Analyze yourself daily before going to sleep. What was done that was positive? What could be improved? 

These simple changes will add up quickly and help shape the future you. Pick someone in your life whom you admire. Recognize the traits that inspire your admiration and apply them to your life. 

When you feel you have mastered these new traits, find a new person to admire. Be cautious not to copy this person, and be yourself. No one likes a person who can’t be their self.

Monday, March 21, 2016

The first stages

Through education, dedication, and experimentation, you will become a better you for tomorrow. Success is not a destination but rather a journey which can be appreciated by anyone willing.

Helping you succeed one post at a time
