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Wednesday, March 23, 2016

How to prepare for Interviews?

Within the first 5 seconds of an interview, the person interviewing you has already decided whether you have the job or not. The rest of the interview is about keeping that job or making them change their mind to give you the job. A firm handshake while maintaining good eye contact is the first step in ensuring a good impression. As you shake their hand, give them a warm smile. Be sure your hands are clean and not overly sweaty. No one likes a greasy handshake.

Dress the part for the job you want. If you are applying to work at Dairy Queen do not show up in a tux. A well maintained suit will do nicely for most jobs but those that pay higher might require more specific dress attire. Do a little research on dress attire and ask around so you are prepared.

Remember, getting a job is like being a car salesman except instead of selling a car, your selling yourself. Talk yourself up, keep it positive, and know that no matter how intimidating your interviewer may be, they too were once standing where you are. Relax and show them they would be foolish not to hire you.

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