Many people think that money is the key to happiness. While it
certainly helps one find time for hobbies, simply having money will not equate
to happiness.
True happiness is found in the pleasures of life. Seeing smiles on happy faces, lending a hand to someone in need, going on a hike alone or with a significant other.
Everyone's idea of happiness is a little different but what happiness is not is putting others down. Take the time to make someone else's day and it just might make yours.
Find a new hobby or maybe talk to someone new. Life is full of surprises and the thing you may think you wouldn't like may just become your inspiration in life.
True happiness is found in the pleasures of life. Seeing smiles on happy faces, lending a hand to someone in need, going on a hike alone or with a significant other.
Everyone's idea of happiness is a little different but what happiness is not is putting others down. Take the time to make someone else's day and it just might make yours.
Find a new hobby or maybe talk to someone new. Life is full of surprises and the thing you may think you wouldn't like may just become your inspiration in life.
Instead of seeking out happiness, let happiness find you.
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