Your personal guide towards professionalism

Daily posts geared to guide you towards the success you deserve.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Good to Great at a much quicker rate

The transition period from good to great is often a steep one. It is the decision to go all out instead of only halfway. What can this mean in your life? It can mean going from a C student to an A student. It can mean going from manager to CEO. It could mean going from volunteer to charity event coordinator.

The decision is simple: do your best and then figure out how to do it even better the next time. Great is not a destination but rather a continuous process. Are you the future of your company? The next CEO? Maybe you are the next world’s greatest mom or dad?

What will you accomplish when you make the leap?

Expanding your brand

When we think about big name brands like Walmart or Target, what does the word brand mean to us? For some people the word brand only applies to large companies. Don’t fool yourself, you are your own personal brand. That’s right, everywhere you go, everything you do, people think of your name and associate it with the actions you perform. Use this to your advantage and make your name a trusted one.

When a promotion is given, it means that the person receiving it has been an important part in the company’s success. Promotions are for reliable and hardworking people who mean something to the company in which they work. It is important to remember how much your brand is worth and continue to grow yourself through your company. If your boss thinks of your name when he needs someone reliable, it means your name has been tied to the ability to be reliable and you have in essence created a reliable “brand name” for you as a person.

Build your brand, expand, and enjoy knowing you matter because you are you.

Friday, April 22, 2016

How to keep track of your spending?

Creating a budget for yourself can be one of easiest things to start saving money. Even if you have plenty to spend, it is important to know where all your money is going. Say you go out to eat once a month and spend $20 for the meal. At the end of the year, you have spent $240 and maybe you didn’t even realize it.

Keep track of your costs for a week and estimate what you might spend in a month or even a year. The results may surprise you and this knowledge will at the very least make you better aware of your spending habits and what your able to afford.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

How to make the right decision?

Making a decision no matter how big or small can be frustrating sometimes. You might have to choose between who to spend your time with, where you want to live, or simply where you want to eat. Regardless the choice you have to make, think through all the outcomes that might take place.

Sometimes for bigger decisions, it is best to write the outcomes out on paper to be sure you haven't overlooked any details. Plan ahead so you have time to think about your decision if possible as this will allow you to appropriately think about each choice. Even if you end up making a wrong decision, learn from it because you may be faced with the same decision again.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

What to do when things get busy?

Challenges of time management will not present themselves when you have nothing going on. They will appear when your week is hectic and you feel you have no time. Keep calm and plan on! Truly successful people are not hindered by their busy schedules but instead embrace it knowing how much they will accomplish.

Don’t panic, life doesn’t throw any challenges that you can’t overcome. Stick it out and know that you are doing great works and it is recognized by someone. If you are busy, chances are you are working wonders in the world.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

How to network?

Networking is a 24/7 commitment since there is no way of knowing when someone you meet might open a door in your future. It is important to treat everyone you meet as a potential resource in which you can provide aid to or accept it.

Lend a helping hand, not because you expect something back but because that is who you are. Become someone who others look to when they are unsure of what to do because someday you might be looking for the same thing.

Above all, cherish new friendships because for all you know, they may just be your next business partner.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

How to fix your messy handwriting?

Let’s face it, many of us have messy handwriting and in a world of ever growing technology, we are using paper less and less. Although most papers today are typed, having neat handwriting can say a lot about you in the professional world.

Having neat handwriting is a sign of being well educated. Whether you sign a contract for a loan or sign your name to a job, it is imperative for the person who reads your signature to distinguish who you are.

If you have messy handwriting, set a goal to improve it. There are many resources online as well as templates you can print and trace to improve both legibility and speed in your writing.

People's impressions of you are based off of many factors and by striving to improve on any weakness you find (be it big or little), you better prepare yourself for the future.